We believe that:
- the Affordable Health Care Act should be completely repealed in favor of free market provider solutions.
- citizens should not be subject to government health care insurance mandates or face government-imposed penalties.
- government should not violate or interfere with the doctor-patient relationship
- federally mandated single-payer medical insurance, including Medicare for All, would be unaffordable and unsustainable without severe limitations put on provider fees, type of care, special tests, medications, and technology availability.
- equality of care will be sacrificed for rationing of care by age and condition, leading to increased suffering and lowered mortality.
We support:
- free market solutions of transparency, charity, portability, competition among insurers, and tort reform.
- proposals to reduce the rising costs of health care and the burdens they create for individuals, families, and employers
- equalizing the cost of pharmaceuticals in the U.S. with that of other countries
- providing U.S. veterans with the option to choose their health care providers outside of those working for the Veterans Administration