
We believe that:

  •  every student in every educational setting should receive a quality education.
  • the academic freedom of each student must be protected so every student has the right to learn without fear of reprisal.
  • public schools should develop curriculum which is content rich, fact-based, and encourages critical thinking.
  • in order to understand how our form of government came to be, American history courses should include the study of the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, and natural law.

We support:

  • investments to ensure a healthy public school system and the freedom of choice in educational options including, but not limited to, charter schools, home schooling, virtual schools, and a school choice voucher program.
  • local control of education and keeping control of schools in the hands of elected, local school boards.
  • resisting any coercion or manipulation of school districts by state or federal government to control finance, employee compensation, standards, standardized testing or curriculum.
  • eliminating the U.S. Department of Education.
  • educational options in high school and university that meet the needs of students and the marketplace.